Odo Solutions

Software Development
Mobile Applications
Digital Marketing & AI
Cyber Security

Services & Digital Solutions

Customised Software Development

  • Web development
  • Mobile applications
  • E-commerce & marketplaces
  • System integration, APIs etc.

Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

  • Data analytics & processing
  • Chat-bots
  • Text to speech & speech to text, document AI
  • Natural language processing

Interface Design & Graphics

  • Brand development
  • User interface design (UIX) & usability testing
  • Graphic-design, logo development & illustrations
  • Interactive visualisations

Cybersecurity &
Strategic Consulting

  • Cybersecurity consulting and implementation
  • Digitalization strategies
  • Innovation management
  • Venture building & supporting start-ups in various roles

Digital Marketing

  • Our Team consists of award-winning industry experts with more than 18 years experience in Digital Marketing, eCommerce, Social Media and Data Science managing regional and global operations in South East Asia, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, US, Europe and Australia.

  • Clients include major consumer brands and retailers e.g. in Luxury, Fashion, Healthcare and various other industries as well as B2B enterprises.

  • Championing business growth through performance marketing, digital advertising, optimizing customer journey, deploying personalization and implementing innovative digital transformation strategies.

  • Proven track record of delivering outstanding results focusing on ROI and ROAS via sales growth based mobile and social media advertising. Over USD 3.1 billion total revenue generation for 84 brands across 17 countries in the past 18 years. Average ROAS standing at 6x.

Products: Online Platforms for Business & Private Communities

Highly customizable online platforms for Business Associations, Chambers of Commerce, financial organizations, anybody operating communities and online ecosystems. All platforms are available as plug & play modules to be inserted into existing websites.


For financial services providers, advisory firms, private business-clubs, groups of private investors, distributors, and other kinds of deal-makers.

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For embassies, chambers of commerce, business associations, governments, intergovernmental associations, investment agencies, and others.

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Deal Making &

We facilitate deal-making across sectors and industries: including business match-making, strategic partnerships, market-entry and investments.

Interactive Business

We build customisable solutions for business associations and other communities to manage and engage with their members around the globe.

Virtual Incubators &

We collaborate with organisations fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, e.g. accelerators, R&D organisations and educational institutions.


We support countries and regions in communicating their strengths and opportunities to international audiences. We work with investment agencies, embassies and the private sector.


We specialize on highly scalable graph databases to facilitate Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. More...

Selected Projects

Central and Eastern European Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, National Business Group of EuroCham representing 11 Countries.
Member & Opportunity Platform

International Rubber Study Group – Intergovernmental Organisation for the Rubber Industry.
Website and Member Platform with Reports Database

Nation Branding around Investment Opportunities initiated by the Rwandan High Commissioner in Singapore.
Comprehensive Editorial Country Portal with Opportunities Gateway

Mobile App for Health & Wellness.
Brand Development, Admin Suite and Analytics

World Summit Award Germany, International Start-up Competition.
Investor Database & Dealroom

Pan African Start-up Hub based in Nigeria.
Opportunity Gateway & Dealroom

International Sales Agency in the Process Industries.
Brand Development & Website

Private Dealroom for Business Opportunities.
Web & Mobile Application

Opportunity Platform & Dealroom for the Halal Community.
Web & Mobile Application

Online Platform & Dealroom for the Silver Economy.
Brand Development & Platform

Intitiative for the Financial Sector.
Brand Development & Web-design

Agricultural Ecosystem for Africa initiated by the Singaporean Business community.
Brand Development & Web-design

Supplement Dispensing System
Mobile App & Management Suites

Redesign of CI & Logo

IRSG Annual Event
Event Website and Registration Platform

Consulting Expertise











South East Asia | Hong Kong

South East Asia | Australia

South East Asia

South East Asia

South East Asia



South East Asia | USA | UK

South East Asia


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